Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2023-2027


Frank is a Canadian manufacturer of vinyl windows and patio doors, as well as fiberglass entry door systems. We pride ourselves on our capability to customize and be an industry leader in new products and innovation.

We distribute through a dealer network primarily in the Ontario market and have representation across Canada and the eastern USA.

Frank is committed to working towards full compliance with current standards of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA); and any expected upcoming legislations and the Accessible Canada Act as they are introduced.

In doing so, we affirm our commitment to providing quality services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.

In accordance with the requirements set out in the IASR, we will:

  • Post the multi-year accessibility plan on our website (
  • Provide the plan in an accessible format upon request.
  • Review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years.
  • Review and update the accessibility plan in consultation with persons with disabilities

Statement Of Commitment:

Frank strives to meet the needs of its employees and customers with disabilities and is working hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility. We are committed to fulfil our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Frank is committed to treat people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in inclusion and equal opportunity. We are committed to meet the accessibility needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the AODA and IASR (Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation).

Frank is dedicated to continuously developing, implementing, and maintaining policies that govern how the organization achieves or will achieve accessibility through meeting all regulation requirements.

General Requirement: Accessibility Policy

We are committed to maintaining an AODA policy. The policy includes an organizational statement of commitment and requirements for employees at all levels of the organization to meet the accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities in a timely manner.

Actions Taken:
  • The AODA policy is developed in May 2023
  • The AODA policy will be reviewed and updated in accordance with internal review processes.
  • The AODA policy will be made available in an accessible format to customers requesting a copy of the policy.
Actions Planned:
  • Continue to review the AODA policy at least every three years or whenever the Frank practices and/or procedures change to ensure it is up to date and all AODA requirements are integrated.
  • Continue making the AODA policy available in an accessible format to customers requesting a copy of the policy.

Requirement: Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Actions Taken:
  • A multi-year accessibility plan is developed in 2023. It will be updated in 2027.
Actions Planned:
  • Post multi-year accessibility plan to the Frank website.
  • Provide the plan in an accessible format on request.
  • Review and update the multi-year accessibility plan at least every five years based on changing accessibility requirements and from internal and external feedback.

Requirement: Emergency Procedures, Plans Or Public Safety Information

Safety is a top priority at Frank, and we strive to ensure that our Company is safe for employees, visitors, and clients.

  1. Accessible emergency Information

    Actions Taken:
    • We undertook a review of emergency procedures and ensured that managers can provide building related emergency and public/ Employee safety information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication support, as soon as practical, upon request.
    • Frank provided employees an individualized emergency response information form.
    Actions Planned:
    • With the consent of an employee who acquire assistance, a colleague will be assigned for assistance in case of emergencies.
    • Visual emergency signs will be introduced for hearing impaired employees.
    • Company will continue to review the individualized workplace emergency response plans, when necessary, i.e., the location of the employee changes and/or if there are any changes in disability
  2. Accessibility Policies And Plans

    • Frank has developed a statement, policy, program, and multi-year plan that outlines strategies and actions to identify, prevent, and remove barriers for persons with disabilities.
  3. Training

    Accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities is a core value for the Company.

    • Frank is committed to provide appropriate AODA training to all employees including management.
    • Training is designed in a way that best suits the duties and needs of employees and every person who deals with the public on behalf of the Company.
    • Training content includes the requirements of AODA, the IASR and the Ontario Human Rights
    • Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities.
    • Ensure new employees complete training within the probationary period.
    • Track and maintain a database of training records of participant names and dates of completion.

Information And Communication Standard

Frank is dedicated to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. We will consult with and request feedback from persons with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs. We want to achieve the most effective and efficient access to information and our goods and services for all users.

The Company has undertaken the following plans to ensure compliance with this standard:

Actions Planned:
  • To establish an accessible feedback process such as, telephone inquiries, email, and in-person.
  • Upgrade our website to be user friendly for people with a range of needs. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to contact Frank via email or phone if they require additional information.

Customer Service Standard

Frank strives for service excellence in all of our interactions with our customers. From the very first moment of contact to the last.

We are committed to meet the requirements of AODA and the IASR (Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation)

Actions Taken:
  • Goods or services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
  • Company representatives, when communicating with a person with disability, will do so in a manner that considers the person's disability.
  • A Customer feedback is available through our social media accounts to look for opportunities to improve our services and processes to make it faster, easier, and more efficient.
  • Feedback on Facebook, Instagram, google and other social media platforms will help us improve our accessible services.
  • Assistive devices and service animals are permitted on our premises in areas where customers have access.
  • Support persons that accompany a person with a disability are welcome in areas where the public or third parties are permitted and or served.
Actions Planned:
  • Emergency procedure will be developed to ensure customers with varying abilities are assisted in building emergencies.
  • Continue enabling customers to use assistive devices and welcoming the assistance of service animals and support persons.
  • Committed to develop communication methods when accessible services are temporarily unavailable using methodologies appropriate for the circumstances.

Employment Standard

Frank is committed to inclusive and accessible employment practices that attract and retain individuals with disabilities. The Company has taken the following steps to notify the public and employees that, when requested, Frank will accommodate people with disabilities throughout the recruitment and onboarding process.

  1. Recruitment

    Frank is committed to ensuring that our recruitment, selection, and assessment processes are fair and accessible. All supervisors, managers, and employees involved in staffing of any type will be required to complete AODA training.

    Action taken:
    • All supervisors, managers, and employees involved in staffing of any type are required to complete AODA training.
    • Correspondence to applicants include the statement: Frank is an equal opportunity employer. Accommodation is available upon request.
    • Job applicants who get selected for an interview are notified that accommodations are available, upon request. Processes have been established to consult with any applicant who requests an accommodation.
    Actions Planned:
    • Continue addressing barriers to recruitment.
    • Continue to accommodate employees and applicants
  2. Documented Individual Accommodation Plans

    Action taken:

    Frank is dedicated to producing and providing documented individual accommodation that includes the following:

    • Participation of the employee requiring the individual accommodation plan due to illness or injury
    • High level of confidentiality
    • Regular reviews and updates
    • Reason for denial if applicable
    • Means of providing individual accommodation plans in a format that considers the needs of the employee.
    • And if required, include individualized workplace emergency response information
  3. Accessible Emergency Information

    Frank is committed to creating and implementing a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return to work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability.

    Actions planned:
    • When applicable, the Company will develop and maintain a return-to-work process for employees who have been away from work due to a disability and require disability related accommodations to return to work. The process will include the steps the Company will undertake to facilitate the return-to-work process and use documented individual accommodation plans.
  4. Performance Management And Career Development

    Frank is dedicated to ensuring the accessibility requirements of employees with disabilities are considered with regards to performance, management and assessments, career progression plans, and position reassignments.

    The Company will continue to review and update policies and procedures to include the following elements:

    Accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans are considered when:

    • using performance management processes
    • providing career development and advancement opportunities
    • reassigning employees with disabilities

Design Of Public Spaces

Frank's public areas currently meet the required Accessibility Standards for the design of public spaces. The Company will establish plans to continue to meet the Accessibility Standards for the design of public spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces. In the event of a service disruption, Frank will notify the public of the service disruption and alternative accessibility available for obtaining goods and services with applicable methodologies.

Marco Greco, CEO

Date 10/20/2023

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